Thursday, 9 June 2011

TUTORIAL - Decorated Memo Pegs

Got lots of note pages with important scribbles on? Drawings? Photos waiting to go into albums? Recipes waiting to go into books? Ribbons? Samples? Phone numbers? Need somewhere to keep them safe until they have a home? 
Then this super-simple tutorial is for you! 
For day 6 of 30 days of creativity I 'borrowed' some wooden pegs from the peg bag and gave them a little spruce up.

You will need:
  • Wooden pegs
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Embellishments
  • Glue
  • Twine
Step One: Prepare.
Gather your supplies and hang some twine between some stacked books or something similar. I knotted each end and trapped the twine under the lids of some boxes. This is to suspend your pegs whilst the paint is drying. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it's secure enough to hold your pegs in case they fall when they're wet and ruin your paint job!

Step Two: Paint!
I mixed up an-off white colour using white and brown acrylics. This can either work as a base coat if you wanted to add more colour over the top but I just stuck to plain old off-white and painted the whole of the outside of the peg, springs n'all.
 Hang them on your twine and allow to dry. I left little unpainted fingertip sized spaces where I'd been holding the pegs whilst painting. Once they're dry enough to gently handle, finish up the ends and then leave them all to dry.

 Step 3: Choose your embellishments. 
You could use absolutely anything for this. ribbons, buttons, beads, card toppers. I used the idea from my bunting note cards and used the paper backed bits of fabric remnants to cut some little hearts shapes from. I also used some amazingly cute laser cut felt butterflies that Becky Button sent me.

Step 4: Decorate!
I used a glue gun to stick my bits and pieces down. If you can't find anything to embellish your pegs with why not simply paint a design over the top. Little roses, birdies, butterflies. Stamps would probably work well too but otherwise you could just leave them plain. Sometimes less is more!

Step 5: Display!
Grab a length of twine and hang up wherever you like. Then get pegging!
Beautiful ♥


  1. The butterflies look lovely on the pegs :)

  2. Thanks Becki! When I stitched through them all they were hanging as a beautiful felt flutterby garland!


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