Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Overcoming the Dreaded Creative Block

Feel all inspired, sit down to do something and then draw a total blank? You're definitely not alone! I've suffered from artist's block ever since I can remember. It almost always ends with me waiting until the very last minute to get something done, and even then things only ever happen because they HAVE to be done. But procrastination is obviously not always practical when you have deadlines to meet. So what can be done to prevent creative block from taking over far too much of your valuable time?

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Find me this Christmas

I've been so very busy since the move - I've been working, sewing, photographing and creating each and every day to make up the stock for all the events I'm attending this Christmas! For those of you interested in coming along to any of them, here's where you'll be able to find me!