Monday, 20 June 2011

Odd things

OK ok ok, I have a huge stack of handmade bits and pieces to show you all in the next few days from my 30 days of creativity, I'm not going to go through all of them as some I haven't photographed properly and some aren't exactly blog-worthy.. Anyway, I'm going jump right in and start with day 7. 
Now, for day 7 I created what I can only describe as (one of) the oddest looking things I have ever made, and I've made many, many odd looking things in my time.. This odd thing came From a 1965 Simplicity rag doll pattern I found hiding in my pattern drawer. I've always wanted to sew a rag doll but after this little incident I'm not sure if I want to sew any more..

It's not just the fact that I unintentionally placed the fabric right in the correct position when I was chopping it up to give the little doll rosy cheeks (literally), or the fact that I stitched it's feet on the wrong way, but the dodgy embroidery work on it's poor face. I'll happily admit that I'm not too crafty when it comes to hand embroidery, I wish I was but I never have been and I probably never will be - and whilst I was relatively chuffed with the eyelashes.. the eyebrows..? I won't even go there. and the nostrils? I couldn't quite master a french knot so I had to put teeny cross stitches on there instead and they still came out wonky! 

Anyway. It was looking a tad bald and just looking at it I decided I didn't want to give it any hair, it looked odd enough as it was (I say it because I'm not quite sure what 'it' is (there are lots of 'its' in this post)). So I wrapped some twine around it's head and it looks a little bit better. Just a bit. Rustic..

That's enough of that.  

What's the oddest looking thing you've ever created? 

In other news, not only do I FINALLY have an 'about me' page up (up the top, look look) but I've also given the blog a mini-makeover so please let me know what you think! The background was pieced together from the smallest, most weathered looking scrap of vintage wallpaper ever. This was in the shed and has since been torn down so I'm glad I snapped it when I did!

In other other news, I'm awaiting eagerly for the postman to arrive with a bundle of MOO cards that I ordered last week. I'm not going to lie, I am ridiculously excited - even more so now that MOO have email me to say they have DISPATCHED.. EEEEEEP!


  1. I actually really like it. Perhaps it reminds me of my older sister's Looby-Lou which I was never allowed to play with, who would look a bit like this if she lost her hair, or perhaps I just like wonky things :)

  2. Thank you! There's always something lovely about wonky handmade things, it shows their hand-made-ness! But still, I'm not convinced about this one! I see the louby-Lou reference though! ♥

  3. Liking the new background a lot :D

  4. Thanks Becki! Did you see my new moo cards (the text half of them matches the wallpaper!) :D

  5. I love it! It reminds this old granny of the dolly my granny made for me when I was 3. My "emmy" dolly was my most charished toy growing up if you have small children or even looking forward to grandkids keep making those loveable cuddly dolls


I always love to hear my readers thoughts, please do comment if you have the time x