Saturday, 28 January 2012

Hello January!

Hallo! Not getting off to the best of starts for 2012 on the blogging front now am I? So I thought I'd do a little update on what I've been up to this month with some photos - Enjoy!

Music, maestro:
We went for a walk at Chichester Marina last weekend. My little Brother & I climbed trees, collected shells and pretty stones. It was freezing cold and SO windy, icy wind is the worst and I returned home with earache but it was worth it for the super-fresh air! On the walk back we saw a houseboat for sale with a little roof garden, sun deck and summer house - I'm now dreaming of owning one someday!

My Aunt used to live on a houseboat on the River Thames and I have so many memories of being there, waving to other boats as they passed by and looking for old clay pipes and other treasure on the banks when the tide was out. Not quite the same at the Marina but still. I'd love it. Anyone want to buy me a houseboat? We could watch the people go by and go for walks every day ♥

Speaking of walks - a couple of weeks ago my lovely friend Nat and I went on a little wander on a Sunday afternoon to find some chapel ruins in woodland about a 20 minute drive from our homes. When we got there a house down the valley was having a bonfire so every time even a whisper of wind blew our way the chapel was swooped by a faint cloud of smoke which made the atmosphere ever-so slightly eerie, it was beautiful but the chapel seemed so invisible against the bare branches and fallen leaves, lacking in any sort of colour - I've tried to make it pop a little in the photo as it was just so clouded and neutral otherwise! We're hoping to go back there soon to shoot a photo story - watch this space ♥

Pretty neat, huh?

Last week I cleaned my studio and it looked so lovely and organised and TIDY. However, somehow within a week due to starting a few different projects at a time and not finishing them thus leaving them out, it has become complete and utter chaos in here! So this weekend is dedicated to getting it looking spick-and-span once again and if it stays that way I'm hoping to take some photos and post them up on my blog so you can see my studio in all of it's neat-and-tidy glory!

In the meantime, here's a few instagram photos I've snapped recently! I went on a bit of a 'supplies binge' the other day and came home with a haul of beautiful paper for bookbinding, some lovely atlas fabric to make totes and other bits and pieces with and some lace to make part of a dress with. Now I just need to find some time to get started on it all!

Box camera pin badgesNew fabric to play with!Custom scrapbook in the making!Gorgeous new paper to play with!

Paper paper paper paper paperScrapbook?Custom illustrated camera brooch :)Flower brooch
Adios ♥

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