Thursday, 8 July 2010

Isn't it Beautiful, Jackdaw? My Leaf Dress . .

Yes, the amazing girlie who I made the dress for in this post, made me this one in return.. isn't it just.. stunning? When I opened the package my jaw dropped to the floor...

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it's the most intricately created masterpiece I think I've ever seen!
Have some detail piccies!

There's not a single area of the dress without something to look at! She made it in such a way that it will photograph beautifully from every angle, she sure didn't get that wrong!

It laces up at the back like a corset, and there's a lovely chunky zip at the side. the straps are pretty lace that you tie to fasten.

I can't stop looking at it.. it's just.. amaaaazing!

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Those gold leaves are gold dipped! The dress is jam packed with vintage linens, laces, buttons.. ribbons, just.. everything! I can't wait to take more photos of it!

You can read all about the dress in this forum post over at

Cass if you read this, thank you SO much for creating such a breathtaking work of art for me!

Love x x


  1. Wow Lou! That dress is amazing! :)

  2. Thank you Troublet, aren't I lucky!

  3. I stumbled across this from "The Polka Dot Closet" and I LOVE THESE DRESSES!!!! Both the one you made and the one you received. Your photos are amazing too I love your vision.....don't know if you have followers or not but I'm definitely bookmarking this site. BEAUTIFUl, whimsical, magical....shall I go on???


I always love to hear my readers thoughts, please do comment if you have the time x