Friday, 22 July 2011

What have I been up to?

Well well well, I have been a busy little bee. This is just a flying visit so sorry if it seems a little rushed!
Soo, what have I been up to? Well! As well as putting together a rather large order for a client, I've created a little book full of my prints titled a rather obvious but fitting "What the Jackdaw Saw", I've also been featured in a gorgeous collaborative book curated by the 'Female Photographers of Etsy' (fPOE) team, called "Still - the art of living". Both books should arrive over the weekend so as soon as they get here I'll be updating with images. In the meantime, here's a little snippet from What the Jackdaw Saw - I ADORE the cover design!

I'm also potentially booked in to several fairs towards Christmas which I'm amazingly excited about, updates when they're confirmed but in the mean time if you're local to Portsmouth and are free this Sunday 24th July  between 11am and 3pm, please please go and check out the brand new Guildhall Boutique Market which looks fab, unfortunately I'm unable to attend this one but it looks as though there's going to be some great and talented sellers there, I'm really looking forward to hearing feedback and seeing photos from the event. See the facebook event page here for more information!

On top of all these exciting things, not only was I on the front page of Etsy (UK) on Wednesday (see the image at the bottom of this post!), but it's my BIRTHDAY on Tuesday, *Happy Birthday to meeeee*, I'm off to Vintage at Southbank next weekend as a Birthday treat... AND I've received some absolutely beautiful messages from readers this week which makes me feel like a very lucky girlie - Red posted a wonderful write-up on her new blog about myself and Dearest Jackdaw and a gorgeous email arrived in my inbox yesterday from Anna (thank you Anna ♥). I'm so happy that people enjoy reading my blog which afterall, I write for you guys - which reminds me, if there is anything you'd like to see from me in the future, for example tutorials, features, photos, anything you'd like to know about me and Jackdaw, just let me know and I'll do my best to blog about it!

Until next time! ♥

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