Thursday, 7 July 2011

Camping with the New Forest Ponies and my Agfa.

Last weekend we took a well deserved break away to the New forest on the South coast of England, camping! It was a tough decision but due to lack of space in the car I had to limit myself to  just one camera. I had a rummage around in my camera cupboard and pulled out a 1962 Agfa Silette-L that belonged to my late Grandfather. I'd never used it before so thought I'd give myself a challenge, plus the fridge door has been full up with expired film for over 3 years now so it was about time I actually used some of it! I only noticed once we'd got there that the light meter on top of the camera didn't actually work so there was a lot of guess work going on. However, settings-wise and without the use of said light meter I'm happy to say that all photos were at least exposed correctly! 

The combination of me getting confused over feet and metres on the distance dial along with my need to walk and shoot at the same time didn't exactly add to the aesthetics  in many of the photos as the shutter speed only goes up to 1/125th of a second, so most are out of focus. Anyway, here are some results from my first roll of film.
I do love using something that a family member once treasured, and it brought a tear to my eye when I reloaded the film to find my Grandfather's writing on the inside of the film box ♥ I love little flutters of unexpected joy in life like that.
This is only the beginning of my journey into analogue photography. It's taken me far too long in the first place and since I have a cupboard absolutely crammed full of vintage cameras that I've rescued just waiting to be played with it only seems right I continue using up all that expired film!


  1. Lovely pictures? Aren't film camera magic? Finding your grandfather's writing was such a great treasure!

  2. Thank you Jaclyn, yes I'm totally hooked now, but will have to limit myself to developing one or two films per month I think! ♥

  3. Great pics! We will mention them at

  4. I really admire your photo's, I love the dreamy quality.
    I have an award for you on my blog.

    Jan x

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