Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Spring flowers and a slight technical difficulty!

The clocks went forward on Sunday morning, giving us longer days and lighter evenings. I took the opportunity on Sunday afternoon to get out with the camera and capture my favourite season, Spring!
You can never, EVER have too many photographs of Spring (as you will see from this post last year). It doesn't matter how many blossom trees I see that are probably all the same, I just have to take some photos!

This blog post was supposed to be a little gallery of images I've taken.. BUT, due to some unfortunate (and rather scary) technical difficulties last night, I'm currently without a hard drive for the time being, so I did the next best thing and used my iPhone to get some snaps with the fantabulous 'Hipstamatic' app which I am absolutely obsessed with!

For anyone familiar with the app, I used the Bettie XL lens with Pistil film for these images. For anyone unfamiliar with it, Hipstamatic is a pretty special little photography app for the iPhone, where you can interchange your lenses, films and flashes to create unique images similar to those taken on vintage toy cameras. Light leaks, unusual colours and different borders are my favourite perks and I usually turn to this app as oppose to the regular phone camera if I want to take a photo.

Fortunately before the computer went haywire last night, I was able to list this image on What the Jackdaw Saw. I don't have access to my other shots just yet - Hopefully I can post some in the next few days.

And finally, here's a beautiful treasury I created on Etsy for the blog. It features some lovely spring inspired work to keep us all inspired for the coming weeks! Please show it some love if you have a spare minute. ♥
PS, for those of you who are awaiting the Vintage Jacket Giveaway results, I have extended entries until 14th April 2011 due to my technical troubles as mentioned above! This means that if you didn't have a chance to get your entry in, now's the time!


  1. Thank you for featuring my button bracelet :) Surprised you didn't pick the Marie Antoinette one ;)

    Loving your spring pics - I too am feeling it necessary to take pictures of every blossom-covered tree I see!

    Hope the computer woes sort themselves out soon :(

  2. Really beautiful images! I have heard about the app but I don't even own an iphone (or indeed a mobile phone of any sort) so I can't play around with it although it really sounds like fun. The results you got are so gorgeous! And the photo you've put on Etsy is just stunning, love those colours!

    I hope you can get to your pictures soon! I'd be in a huge panic if it was me lol xxx

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments ladies!

    Becki, I wanted to feature your Marie Antoinette bracelet but for some reason I chose the pink one, I think it's because the MA one is in a half-finished treasury that I'm still pondering on adding things to :)

    Deb, I'm probably guilty of taking too make photos using hipstamatic instead of taking my canon out.. which means I end up with some lovely photos but not much to do with them!
    I'm trying not to panic at the moment as far as my images are concerned. The computer is completely frazzled and we can't even get it to start up now! But I believe I rescued my hard drive before it all went horribly wrong so I just need to get a new PC and set it up through that! (Keep your fingers crossed for me won't you!) At the moment I'm working via a laptop with a broken screen hooked up to an external monitor, the resolution is awful! :(


  4. Hey JAckdaw, what about the giveaway results? eagerly awaiting :)

  5. Hi, Anonymous. I have extended the giveaway until 14th April due to my technical difficulties. Good luck, whoever you are!

  6. Beautiful photos, love the tones.

  7. hey!

    i see that you've found the topshop playlist 2 blog, can you please tell them to make people be able to comment as anonymous pleeeease?
    because noone can and its obviously hurting the comments the blog would get
    and get them to update it

    lovely blog btw :)



I always love to hear my readers thoughts, please do comment if you have the time x