Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spring time . . .

Spring is definitely my favourite season, it's never too hot or too cold, there's always something beautiful growing in the garden to admire, we get daffodils, bluebells, blossom.. It's amazing how quickly nature can change - I have photos that I took in march where the trees are bare and the sky looks so dull and dreary, yet now everything is bright and colourful and the sun is shining (most of the time..)!

I took the opportunity yesterday afternoon to go out into the garden and get some pictures of all the beautiful flowers that are coming out this Spring. I desperately need to stock up on my hay fever remedies though as the pollen doesn't like me all that much!

The lilac has such a beautiful scent, but it's unlucky to bring it into the house so it's to stay on the tree! There are a few different versions of the superstition, but my favourite is that faeries were once associated with the lilac tree, and if you brought lilac into the house the faeries could disrupt your household. I didn't think faeries were the type to disrupt a household but perhaps they're naughty faeries?

And the forget-me-not.. who could forget these beautiful teeny tiny treasures of the garden? When I was a little girl, my sister was in hospital for a few days and I remember taking her an eggcup filled with daisies and forget-me-nots to put on her windowsill :)

These will shortly be available in my shop amongst other springtime prints so keep an eye out :)

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