This is my vintage Chil-Daw dressmakers dummy. As far as I can tell, she's 1940's, but if anyone can tell me otherwise, please do so. Sadly I don't know any of her history.
She has 8 fully adjustable panels, is deep mauve in colour, is incredibly sturdy and in near perfect condition.
The best part? She cost me just £12 from a local charity shop. I found her opened up as wide as possible, and just left there with her joints about to fail, it was a sad sight. When I took her to the counter, the lady told me that a customer had brought her back earlier that day because she was 'unadjustable'.. I call that devine intervention.

Now that is a find! I bet she could tell a few stories. Wouldn't it be good to trace the history and find out what dresses she may have worn.
It sure would! She has a sticker on her stand from a removal company with the customers surname on.. but it doesn't exactly give me any clues :( Still, amazing find, I have three dressforms now, and I'm not stopping there..! eek!