Wednesday, 28 September 2011

FEATURE - Flutterbydaisy

Meet Natanya Waybourne, brainchild of her very own magical world and creation - Flutterbydaisy. I've been following Natanya's work for a few years now after seeing her photos on DeviantArt way back in 2008/2009 and remember always being intrigued by her style and work. Wearing flowers in her hair, lace, torn fabric and her make-up like a little doll.. She makes beautiful dresses, perfect for hiding in the woods and running through fields, writes enchanting words and takes some gorgeous photographs.. Here's an interview for you all to enjoy with images of pretty people in pretty flutterbydaisy dresses:

Tell us about yourself? 
I live off of caffeine, daydream constantly, write daily and sew 'till my hearts content...

In an ideal world? 
Everything would be made of fluff. No-one could argue in that world because people would be too concentrated on touching stuff - and if you fell, that wouldn't hurt either. I would probably spend most of my day then jumping and cuddling lamp posts...

Self Portrait by Freya Mavor

How did you get into dressmaking? Do you have any formal qualifications? 
I didn't study fashion anywhere, but I did study Creative Writing until I ran away.  I used to make dress up clothes when I was tiny out of Nan's left over curtain fabric... Mum inspired me too; she used to dress me up - one time I was The Little Mermaid in a cardboard tail I could sit down in, and another time a daisy with my head as the bit bees land in.  Tables turned today - I got to make her a fancy dress costume (she's going to work as Sophie from The BFG on Roald Dahl day). As I grew up a bit I started making Hallowe'en costumes for friends, then dance clothes for ballet class... now I'm here not at all grown up, but still sewing... 

Tell us about your working space?
At the moment it's a temporary one... Like Goldilocks: the one I used to have was too small and the one I have in my head is a castle, I now need one that's just right.  There are always photos pinned on boards, scraps on the floor, music in the background, or maybe Wonders of the Solar System on TV and a cup of coffee on the table...

Esther Dee (for her album 'Esther Dee and the Carousel' - by Flutterbydaisy

What is your working process? Do you design your clothing or just go with the flow? 
Most of the time I go searching for fabric old and new and come back with bags I empty out onto the table; the frilly pile tells me what it wants to be.  I do design dresses too - but I'm terrible at that kind of drawing... I always have the next three or four dresses in my head though.  Sometimes I get given other inspiration from either a girl who'd like a custom dress or photographers that are looking for something specific for a themed shoot... Now and again I also up-cycle clothes into ScrapBox dresses and modify Vintage sewing patterns...

How did you come up with the name 'Flutterbydaisy'? 
I love butterflies, I have a mini collection... I used to call them Flutterbies and there was this one kind, that resembled a Red Admiral that used to come into and flutter around my room every summer, and daisies are my favourite flower.  I tried to come up with something that 'sounds like what my dresses look like' something I've not heard anywhere - so I created a favourite things hybrid...

Chloeana Daisy by Daniella Jaine

Who or what is your greatest inspiration? 
I have many many... at the moment I'm in love with a few magazines : Lula, Papier Mache, Love and Twin.  I also find inspiration through old ballets, Pre Raphaelite art, my collection of pretty postcards and snippets, twinkly music and Movies : Picnic at Hanging Rock, Tideland, Lolita... 

What are you working on right now? 
I've just finished a custom order of a Mermaid Tail for a special project (which I'll Blog about soon), put two Dresses inspired by 'Snow White and Rose Red' in my shop with images by Twitch Photos, sent off a feather covered Bird Dress I finished yesterday to my petal Danniella Jaine for her to photograph and I'm working on a bunch of Hallowe'en dresses two floaty black and gold ones for a creepy shoot with Hannah Daisy and four or five costume-type ones to go straight into my shop just in time for Old Hallows Eve...

Mia Asher by Flutterbydaisy

What are your favourite materials? 
I'm completely obsessed with lace... the older the better... 

When you're not sewing pretty dresses, what are you doing? 
Writing... I will finish my book one day. Or reading, at the moment I'm stuck into George Carlins Memoir.  Or having quiet time in the woods.  Or having a loud time with friends in the pub... 

What advice would you give to others who want to follow a similar creative path to yourself? 
Do it...

Self Portrait by Alicia Gaultier

Well. I think it's safe to say that after this interview, I love her even more. You can see more of what Natanya's up to on her website, facebook and twitter. Why not pop by and say hello? ♥


  1. Sending you love and chocolate biscuits <3

    x x x

  2. Lovely interview with an interesting, wonderful artist, designer & inspiration!

  3. Lovely interview! I am going to check out her work!

  4. pure beauty, true inspiration xx

  5. I always love knowing a bit about how and why artists do what they do.

  6. Thank you everyone, she's a huge inspiration :) Toru, I totally agree! ♥


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